Showing posts with label Erasmus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erasmus. Show all posts

Monday, October 5, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Top 10 countries with the world's fastest internet speeds

With a few clicks on a keyboard and a swipe of the mouse, we have access to an unprecedented amount of information the likes of which humanity has never seen before.
But if you have a slow internet connection speed, then waiting for that page to load, that video to buffer, or that file to download can feel like an eternity.

Akamai Technologies, a cloud services provider, made a list of the fastest internet connection speeds in the world that shows where the luckiest netizens reside.
Each of these countries is ranked by the average speed of their broadband internet connection in megabits per second (Mbps). And they are all faster than the US, which ranks 17th in the world in internet connection speed, according the list. 

10 Finland

Average Mbps: 12.1. Internet speeds have increased 33% over the last year.

9 Czech Republic

Average Mbps: 12.3. Internet speeds have increased 8.4% over the last year.

8 Ireland

Average Mbps: 12.7. Internet speeds have increased 24% over the last year.

7 Latvia

Average Mbps: 13. Internet speeds have increased 25% over the last year.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Top 18 Academic Ranking of World Universities

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in College – Benefits & Challenges

1. See the World

The biggest reason you should consider a study abroad program is the opportunity to see the world . By studying abroad, you will experience a brand-new country with incredible new outlooks, customs and activities. The benefits of studying abroad include the opportunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and landmarks of your host nation.
In addition, when you’re abroad, you won’t be limited to traveling in just the nation in which you are studying – you can see neighboring countries as well! For example, if you study in France, you’ll have the option to travel through various parts of Europe including London , Barcelona , and Rome.

2. Education

Another reason you might consider studying abroad is for the chance to experience different styles of education. By enrolling in a study abroad program, you’ll have the chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home.
You’ll find that completely immersing yourself in the education system of your host country is a great way to really experience and understand the people, its traditions, and its culture. Education is the centerpiece of any study abroad trip—it is, after all, a study abroad program—and choosing the right school is a very important factor.

3. Take in a New Culture

Many students who choose to study abroad are leaving their home for the first time. When they arrive in their new host country, they are fascinated by the distinct cultural perspectives. When you study abroad you will find incredible new foods, customs, traditions, and social atmospheres.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Why to go on evs? (FULL INFORMATION)

European Voluntary Service – EVS – gives young people (18 – 30) the opportunity to go to another country and work as volunteers. One of the best things about EVS is that it does not cost you anything, at least no money. All travel costs, accommodation, food, language training, insurance, guidance and support – are covered by The European Union Program Youth in Action

Volunteers also get pocket money to fulfill their individual needs. The amount depends on the country, where you are going to live. EVS volunteers work no more than 35 hours per week. They have 2 consecutive days off as a weekend and every month they accumulate 2 days of holidays.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Youth unemployment rate in Europe: Where is hard to find job and where is it easy {INFOGRAPHIC}

A FEW months ago investors were feeling more optimistic about the euro zone. In July the Greek government could borrow money at an interest rate of 6%, a far cry from the near-40% it was paying in 2012. Economic growth in the first quarter of 2014 was 1.2% on an annualised basis—not great, but not terrible.
 That has all changed. There are now serious worries that the euro zone will succumb to a “triple-dip” recession. Only Lithuania—which joined the euro zone on the first day of 2015—and Ireland are forecast to see strong growth next year. Fears grow that the 18-member currency club may fall into deflation. Inflation fell to just 0.4% in October, well below the European Central Bank’s target of almost 2%. Among other things deflation makes debt harder to bear.

5 Reasons Every Student Should Volunteer

With summer officially here, you might be trying to find ways to fill your time with activities like sports, theater, music and just about any campus club you can join. It’s a great idea to immerse yourself in activities you love and know will look great on your college applications. But, don’t overlook one very important opportunity not only to help others, but also to help yourself — volunteer work. Maybe it’s that second word (work) that scares you away. It can be hard to imagine giving away your precious time for free. What is important to understand is that volunteering pays you back in a myriad of ways, and many of those rewards are more valuable than currency. Here are five reasons why it’s worth the time and effort.

1. Work as a Team

In college, you will inevitably have to work on a group project. If you’re lucky, most of the students in your group will care about what they are doing and actually pitch in, but that’s not always the case. This is where volunteer experience can pay off. When you volunteer for an event or at an agency, you don’t always know what you will be doing or who you will be working with, but you know that the job needs to be completed on time. Working with complete strangers will actually teach you how to play to their strengths in order to obtain the best results. Everyone has something to contribute, but you cannot expect it to be an equal amount of time or work every time.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Super cheap summer vacations for students...


Okay, you are probably already thinking that the Bahamas have no place on a list of affordable summer vacations for students. But if you know where to #look, the Bahamas can be perfect. There tends to be a number of late deals available, including hotels and flights, and you won’t need much #money when you actually get there. There’s a lot to do there, too, from exploring the local cultures to shopping in amazing markets and relaxing on the breathtaking beaches. It’s a great way to get the best of both worlds!


Yep, Argentina is growing in popularity, and it’s no real surprise why. Buenos Aires might be associated with luxury and partying, but #things aren’t as expensive here as you’d think,

50 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Erasmus Year 2015

tips for erasmus

50 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Erasmus Year

Moving abroad for Erasmus is meant to be a challenge, but a fun challenge. Challenge yourself to visit a million cliché landmarks, meet tons of people, and successfully find your way home in your new city after a night of partying. Don’t challenge yourself to see how many queues you sit in before finding out you have the wrong documents for your needed paperwork. Trust us. You don’t want or need that challenge. So we’ve compiled 50 tips for Erasmus from industry experts and former students, so that you can maximise the good times and minimise any “doh!” moments you might’ve come to experience otherwise.

On hitting the books…

tips for erasmus
1. “Don’t forget about the actual school part of your Erasmus year. At least where I was in Belgium, I had to study, not extensively every day, but I definitely had to study. If you don’t pass your courses, you have to pay back the scholarship, so don’t be overly complacent.”
Jorge (Xipo) | Belgium
2. “Make sure you sort out your course selection before you head to your new uni. Once you’re there the language barrier is only going to make the administrative stuff more confusing. So be certain to sort out the specifics of your credits with your tutor in advance because credit values tend to fluctuate.” 
Patricia Jiménez | Germany
3. “I found the level of study easier. From what I’ve seen, tests dont vary at all with what’s been done in class. The extra reading is almost optional, but there’s much more continous work.”

Top 10 Cheapest Countries

1. Nepal

In Nepal, you are going to have a wonderful experience for classic Asian culture and tropical nature. Trekking in the undeveloped countryside, you will be able to enjoy the organic and beautiful Asian heritage. Head to Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu valley, and you do not want to miss other sacred Hindu/Buddhism temples, like famous Pashupatinath, Budhanilkantha, Manakamana. For many backpackers, even one month is not enough for them to soak in the peaceful aurora.

2. Thailand

Thailand is definitely the ideal destination for college backpackers who are seeking a place with both a rich culture and an affordable location. Not to mention, you will certainly want to try the local Thai cuisine... too good to ever pass up. You can also go for an authentic Thai iced tea at the roadside stores! The basic expense on foods and accommodation there every day is as low as $20. The country’s spirit is in Buddhism temples and architectural masterpieces and full of Thai history: Wat Phra Kaeo temple, Wat Arun temple, Wat Benchamabophitr and Grand Palace at Bangkok. Try Thai Boxing if you're interested in the very unique sports.

3. India

Backpacking India is easy and inexpensive. Food, accommodations, and travel are very cheap compared to other places around the world. Backpacker’s hostels are located in all the major cities and many touring guides appeal to college travelers as well. Backpacking India means leaving luxuries like hot water pressure and air conditioning at home in exchange for some pretty incredible sites and people to meet.


So you want a job in a creative field. Who better to ask for advice than the people who have reached the top echelons of their respective industries?
A dozen leaders at a variety of agencies shared their best stories from the career trenches, and their advice pretty much boils down to this: If you really want the job, forget the standard resume-and-LinkedIn route and get, well, creative about it.
"Invent or design something fucking remarkable," says Pete Favat, chief creative officer of Deutsch, the ad agency that made this year's Mophie Super Bowl ad. "It's about getting out and inventing and doing something. Start making immediately," added his colleague Winston Binch, chief digital officer at Deutsch.
To one extent or another, everyone who participated echoed that sentiment: It's about making good stuff. But then what? Below, we've compiled tips from top agency executives and recruiters for how to land your dream job in fields where creativity is at a premium.


"Anyone who can communicate and illustrate their abilities and an understanding of the value of creating something unique will always grab my attention," says Richard Christiansen, the founder and creative director at the ad agency Chandelier. "I once sent a creative agency in London a rotary phone in a box and successfully landed an interview," he added. To this day, he appreciates a good stunt. A prospective art director candidate knew Chandelier had worked on some Barbie projects with Mattel and sent a customized Barbie along with her resume; she now works at the firm. Christiansen has also received a T-shirt with a resume printed on it that read "just the right fit," a model airplane, and an ice sculpture.

Academic Ranking of World Universities

1Harvard University
2Stanford University
3Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
4University of California-Berkeley
5University of Cambridge
6Princeton University
7California Institute of Technology
8Columbia University
9University of Chicago
9University of Oxford
11Yale University
12University of California, Los Angeles
13Cornell University
14University of California, San Diego
15University of Washington
16University of Pennsylvania
17The Johns Hopkins University

Top Universities in Europe

Image result for Top Universities in Europe
It may be the second-smallest continent on Earth, but Europe boasts many of the world’s best educational institutions. In the QS World University Rankings® 2014/15 a total of 336 European universities are featured within the world’s top 800 (roughly 42%). The UK boasts Europe’s highest number of internationally ranked universities with 70 entries, but is closely followed by Germany (42) and France (41). Meanwhile Switzerland has two universities ranked among the world’s top 20, leading a group of smaller European countries with very strong higher education systems.
With such a large selection of top universities in Europe to pick from, choosing where to study in Europe is not always easy. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the top universities in Europe divided by country, based on the QS World University Rankings 2014/15.

Top universities in Austria

A landlocked country in central Europe, Austria shares borders with eight other European countries, including Germany to the north and Italy to the south. It has seven top European universities currently included in the QS World University Rankings; of these, the top universities in Austria are:
1.      University of Vienna (156th in the world; 69= in Europe)
2.      Vienna University of Technology (246th in the world; 115= in Europe)
3.      Universität Innsbruck (288th in the world; 134th in Europe)
4.      Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (411-420 in the world; 189= in Europe)
5.      Johannes Kepler University Linz (551-600 in the world; 243= in Europe)

Top universities in Belgium

Known for its fine chocolate and fine beer, Belgium is also home to some fine educational establishments. Like Austria, it boasts seven of the top universities in Europe to be internationally ranked, all of these placed within the top 300 worldwide. The top universities in Belgium are:
1.      KU Leuven (82nd in the world; 31st in Europe)
2.      Ghent University (129th in the world; 56th in Europe)
3.      Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL, 154th in the world; 67th in Europe)
4.      Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB, 173rd in the world; 76= in Europe)
5.      Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, 181st in the world; 83rd in Europe)