Showing posts with label Interesting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interesting. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Top 10 countries with the world's fastest internet speeds

With a few clicks on a keyboard and a swipe of the mouse, we have access to an unprecedented amount of information the likes of which humanity has never seen before.
But if you have a slow internet connection speed, then waiting for that page to load, that video to buffer, or that file to download can feel like an eternity.

Akamai Technologies, a cloud services provider, made a list of the fastest internet connection speeds in the world that shows where the luckiest netizens reside.
Each of these countries is ranked by the average speed of their broadband internet connection in megabits per second (Mbps). And they are all faster than the US, which ranks 17th in the world in internet connection speed, according the list. 

10 Finland

Average Mbps: 12.1. Internet speeds have increased 33% over the last year.

9 Czech Republic

Average Mbps: 12.3. Internet speeds have increased 8.4% over the last year.

8 Ireland

Average Mbps: 12.7. Internet speeds have increased 24% over the last year.

7 Latvia

Average Mbps: 13. Internet speeds have increased 25% over the last year.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Top 18 Academic Ranking of World Universities

Here’s What Your Fingernails tell's About Your Personality [TEST]


For centuries, people have claimed to be able to tell what someone’s personality is like, just by looking at a few basic physical features. Some believe that you can determine someone’s personality just by the length of their fingers! Some people find it very accurate and others think it’s a load of crap. However, regardless of what your opinions may be, there used to be an entire area of science dedicated to things like this. Phrenology was used to analyze a person’s personality based on the measurements of their skull. Listed below are interpretations of what the shape of your nails may reveal about your personality:
1. The vertically long nail.
You’re probably a real romantic. Even-tempered with a strange but wonderful imagination. You can be a perfectionist and easily overwhelmed. You see the little things that few notice. People really love you. You get along with most people.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

What does my horoscope sign mean?

“People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.” — David H. Comins
I think it was Benjamin Franklin who once said that the brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office. *

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Top 10 Films of the 2015 Cannes Film Festival

After nearly two weeks of viewing some of the best cinema will have to offer this year, the 68th Cannes Film Festival has concluded. With Jacques Audiard‘s Dheepan taking the top jury prize of Palme d’Or (full list of winners here), we’ve set out to wrap up our experience with our 10 favorite films from the festival, which extends to the Un Certain Regard and Directors’ Fortnight side bars.
It should be noted that Mad Max: Fury Road and Inside Out, which both screened out of competition, were among some of our favorites of the festival, but considering they’ll be getting enough attention thanks to their marketing campaigns and wide release, we’ve elected to give

10 Questions to Ask Each Other Before Getting Married

We're not talking here about the kinds of questions everyone should ask each other before deciding to get married -- things that could be actual deal-breakers, like, Do you want kids? And, Are you a member of the Republican party? No, these 10 questions are things you should ask each other in order to have a more harmonious, fulfilling marriage together. The answers to these questions shouldn't be deal-breakers -- but knowing the answers to these questions should help make you a better spouse.
We don't expect you to do exactly as your partner would like after asking and answering these questions -- after all, their preferences might be completely unreasonable! (Ahem, porn, ahem.) But it is helpful, at least, to know what their preferences are, so you can be sensitive to them.
(Oh, and: All this advice could also refer to people are deciding simply to co-habitate 'til death do them part. For the purposes of this article, "marriage" is simply short-hand for "forever love.")
1. Where do you draw the line between intimacy and T.M.I.?
Are you okay with me peeing in front of you? Should I close the door before pooping? What about hair removal? Should I knock if the bathroom door is closed? Do we have an open-fart policy? Would you prefer I didn't read your email and text messages? Etc.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Who is dating Cristiano Ronaldo?

CRISTIANO Ronaldo may have found a replacement for Irina Shayk — a stunning Italian model who shares the same features as his Russian ex.
Victoria’s Secret model Shayk reportedly dumped the Real Madrid star about five months ago over claims he cheated on her.
Now 30-year-old Ronaldo is said to be seeking solace in the arms of 24-year-old Alessia Tedeschi.

Top 10 countries with the world's fastest internet speeds

With a few clicks on a keyboard and a swipe of the mouse, we have access to an unprecedented amount of information the likes of which humanity has never seen before.
But if you have a slow internet connection speed, then waiting for that page to load, that video to buffer, or that file to download can feel like an eternity.

Akamai Technologies, a cloud services provider, made a list of the fastest internet connection speeds in the world that shows where the luckiest netizens reside.
Each of these countries is ranked by the average speed of their broadband internet connection in megabits per second (Mbps). And they are all faster than the US, which ranks 17th in the world in internet connection speed, according the list. 

10 Finland

Average Mbps: 12.1. Internet speeds have increased 33% over the last year.

9 Czech Republic

Average Mbps: 12.3. Internet speeds have increased 8.4% over the last year.

8 Ireland

Average Mbps: 12.7. Internet speeds have increased 24% over the last year.

7 Latvia

Average Mbps: 13. Internet speeds have increased 25% over the last year.

Youth unemployment rate in Europe: Where is hard to find job and where is it easy {INFOGRAPHIC}

A FEW months ago investors were feeling more optimistic about the euro zone. In July the Greek government could borrow money at an interest rate of 6%, a far cry from the near-40% it was paying in 2012. Economic growth in the first quarter of 2014 was 1.2% on an annualised basis—not great, but not terrible.
 That has all changed. There are now serious worries that the euro zone will succumb to a “triple-dip” recession. Only Lithuania—which joined the euro zone on the first day of 2015—and Ireland are forecast to see strong growth next year. Fears grow that the 18-member currency club may fall into deflation. Inflation fell to just 0.4% in October, well below the European Central Bank’s target of almost 2%. Among other things deflation makes debt harder to bear.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

What do colors tell about personality

White: Symbolic of purity, innocence and naivete, white has strong connotations of youth and purity. If you are an older person, your preference for white could indicate a desire for perfection and impossible ideals, maybe an attempt to recapture lost youth and freshness. It may also symbolize a desire for simplicity or the simple life.
Red: The color of strength, health, and vitality, Red is often the color chosen by someone outgoing, aggressive, vigorous and impulsive—or someone who would like to be! It goes with an ambitious nature but those who choose it can be abrupt at times, determined to get all they can out of life, quick to judge people and take sides. Red people are usually optimistic and can’t stand monotony; they are rather restless and not at all introspective, so they may be unaware of their own shortcomings. They find it hard to be objective and may blame others for any mishaps. Quiet people with a preference for red may feel the need for the warmth, strength and life-giving qualities of the color, or they blanket their true feelings under a sober exterior. Red is usually chosen by people with open and uncomplicated natures, with a zest for life.

Super cheap summer vacations for students...


Okay, you are probably already thinking that the Bahamas have no place on a list of affordable summer vacations for students. But if you know where to #look, the Bahamas can be perfect. There tends to be a number of late deals available, including hotels and flights, and you won’t need much #money when you actually get there. There’s a lot to do there, too, from exploring the local cultures to shopping in amazing markets and relaxing on the breathtaking beaches. It’s a great way to get the best of both worlds!


Yep, Argentina is growing in popularity, and it’s no real surprise why. Buenos Aires might be associated with luxury and partying, but #things aren’t as expensive here as you’d think,

50 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Erasmus Year 2015

tips for erasmus

50 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Erasmus Year

Moving abroad for Erasmus is meant to be a challenge, but a fun challenge. Challenge yourself to visit a million cliché landmarks, meet tons of people, and successfully find your way home in your new city after a night of partying. Don’t challenge yourself to see how many queues you sit in before finding out you have the wrong documents for your needed paperwork. Trust us. You don’t want or need that challenge. So we’ve compiled 50 tips for Erasmus from industry experts and former students, so that you can maximise the good times and minimise any “doh!” moments you might’ve come to experience otherwise.

On hitting the books…

tips for erasmus
1. “Don’t forget about the actual school part of your Erasmus year. At least where I was in Belgium, I had to study, not extensively every day, but I definitely had to study. If you don’t pass your courses, you have to pay back the scholarship, so don’t be overly complacent.”
Jorge (Xipo) | Belgium
2. “Make sure you sort out your course selection before you head to your new uni. Once you’re there the language barrier is only going to make the administrative stuff more confusing. So be certain to sort out the specifics of your credits with your tutor in advance because credit values tend to fluctuate.” 
Patricia Jiménez | Germany
3. “I found the level of study easier. From what I’ve seen, tests dont vary at all with what’s been done in class. The extra reading is almost optional, but there’s much more continous work.”

The Right Way to Clean Your Belly Button

One look at a dirty belly button is all it takes for you to shudder, jump in the shower, and start scrubbing.

“Health providers have removed ‘growths’ from belly buttons that turned out to be a mix of bacteria, dirt, sweat, soap, lotions, and lint,” says Alexandria V. Booth, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist with HealthCare Partners medical group. “Talk about an embarrassing doctor’s visit—they go in for what they think is skin cancer and find out it’s just years of dirt.”
Your belly button should be cleaned just like all the other parts of the body; otherwise, the area can develop gnarly smells and infections,


Are luxury cars really worth the money? You might be surprised with the answer, and why. From my book,Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending.

Like houses, cars are among the largest purchases that most people make. Is it best to splurge on a BMW, economize with a Ford Escort, or settle for the mid-level option of a Honda Accord? When researchers at the University of Michigan asked students to predict how much pleasure they would experience while driving each type of car, the BMW was the clear winner. But do drivers experience more happiness behind the wheel of an expensive car? To find out,

10 Ways to Get Your Ex Back

1. Reconnect with a text. Sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder—but other times, it causes that heart to seek out another man. So, don’t call first. “Try sending a sweet text, not one that will make her think you’re looking for a booty call,” says dating expert Julie Spira. “Think about something that you shared together that might warm her heart.” Example: Was listening to the radio and heard that Coldplay song. Brought back memories of the concert together. Hope you’re doing great? If she responds,

15 Flirting Mistakes Every Woman Makes

Never making a move ever and hoping he guesses that you like him.

1. Giggling nonstop like a clown on nitrous. I know, I know, men love it when you laugh at their jokes but here's the thing — if his jokes aren't funny, you're encouraging him to make more horrible jokes, and also eventually, if you laugh hard enough for too long, you slowly begin to look insane. So there's that.
2. Getting drunk to the point where you can't control your limbs. Because I can "hang!" I can "drink 10 shots of whiskey!" I'm "cool." I'm ... oh

14 Brutal Truths About Loving An Italian Guy

Image result for 14 Brutal Truths About Loving An Italian Guy
You're in for a bumpy ride.
So, you've found yourself a nice Italian boy. Congrats! And welcome to a completely different side of dating you knew nothing about.
Every nationality and heritage has its perks, quirks and flaws, but what about Italian men? What sets them apart from the rest of the men you've dated in the past?
While your new man is (probably) a good person, culture plays into personality and habits — both of which are not easily altered, if at all. With that said, here's 14 things that happen when you date an Italian guy:
1. He eats and drinks ... a LOT. If your man is having you over for dinner with his parents, come hungry (and thirsty) and fill your plate more than once.
2. He probably won't clean. Even if his room looks like a tornado swept through it, don't think he'll clean anything up. Unless his mom (or you) pick up his stuff for him, cleaning ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
3. He needs to be in control. Alpha females, beware.
4. He is VERY stubborn. The evidence could be right in front of him, but you're still wrong. It's his way or the highway.
5. Mom is #1 in his life. Italian guys are HUGE mama's boys ...

The Best Way to Lose Weight in a Week - Drop 5 Pounds in a Week

Drink mainly water
A sports or energy drink, fruit smoothie, or light beer — each serving contains about 100 calories. Yet these beverages don't satisfy you the way 100 calories of food does, so they're a waste. Other liquids may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, puffing you out.
Water, on the other hand, has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And strangely,

5 Things Happy People Do Before Getting Out of Bed Every Morning

1. Express gratitude

Every new day leads to a new way to say “thank you” for being alive. Everything we experience and are capable of experiencing on this blue marble in this universal arena is something to be grateful for. Contemplate the fact that something rather than nothing exists and that within that something we exist and experience such an amazing reality. There is always something to be grateful for, we simply need to look around us and within us. Through continued gratitude we cannot help but feel an explosive volcanic eruption of bliss to be so fortunate as to have what we have.
Don’t get hung up on what you don’t have, because