Wednesday, May 27, 2015

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in College – Benefits & Challenges

1. See the World

The biggest reason you should consider a study abroad program is the opportunity to see the world . By studying abroad, you will experience a brand-new country with incredible new outlooks, customs and activities. The benefits of studying abroad include the opportunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and landmarks of your host nation.
In addition, when you’re abroad, you won’t be limited to traveling in just the nation in which you are studying – you can see neighboring countries as well! For example, if you study in France, you’ll have the option to travel through various parts of Europe including London , Barcelona , and Rome.

2. Education

Another reason you might consider studying abroad is for the chance to experience different styles of education. By enrolling in a study abroad program, you’ll have the chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home.
You’ll find that completely immersing yourself in the education system of your host country is a great way to really experience and understand the people, its traditions, and its culture. Education is the centerpiece of any study abroad trip—it is, after all, a study abroad program—and choosing the right school is a very important factor.

3. Take in a New Culture

Many students who choose to study abroad are leaving their home for the first time. When they arrive in their new host country, they are fascinated by the distinct cultural perspectives. When you study abroad you will find incredible new foods, customs, traditions, and social atmospheres.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Top 10 Films of the 2015 Cannes Film Festival

After nearly two weeks of viewing some of the best cinema will have to offer this year, the 68th Cannes Film Festival has concluded. With Jacques Audiard‘s Dheepan taking the top jury prize of Palme d’Or (full list of winners here), we’ve set out to wrap up our experience with our 10 favorite films from the festival, which extends to the Un Certain Regard and Directors’ Fortnight side bars.
It should be noted that Mad Max: Fury Road and Inside Out, which both screened out of competition, were among some of our favorites of the festival, but considering they’ll be getting enough attention thanks to their marketing campaigns and wide release, we’ve elected to give

10 Questions to Ask Each Other Before Getting Married

We're not talking here about the kinds of questions everyone should ask each other before deciding to get married -- things that could be actual deal-breakers, like, Do you want kids? And, Are you a member of the Republican party? No, these 10 questions are things you should ask each other in order to have a more harmonious, fulfilling marriage together. The answers to these questions shouldn't be deal-breakers -- but knowing the answers to these questions should help make you a better spouse.
We don't expect you to do exactly as your partner would like after asking and answering these questions -- after all, their preferences might be completely unreasonable! (Ahem, porn, ahem.) But it is helpful, at least, to know what their preferences are, so you can be sensitive to them.
(Oh, and: All this advice could also refer to people are deciding simply to co-habitate 'til death do them part. For the purposes of this article, "marriage" is simply short-hand for "forever love.")
1. Where do you draw the line between intimacy and T.M.I.?
Are you okay with me peeing in front of you? Should I close the door before pooping? What about hair removal? Should I knock if the bathroom door is closed? Do we have an open-fart policy? Would you prefer I didn't read your email and text messages? Etc.

Why to go on evs? (FULL INFORMATION)

European Voluntary Service – EVS – gives young people (18 – 30) the opportunity to go to another country and work as volunteers. One of the best things about EVS is that it does not cost you anything, at least no money. All travel costs, accommodation, food, language training, insurance, guidance and support – are covered by The European Union Program Youth in Action

Volunteers also get pocket money to fulfill their individual needs. The amount depends on the country, where you are going to live. EVS volunteers work no more than 35 hours per week. They have 2 consecutive days off as a weekend and every month they accumulate 2 days of holidays.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Who is dating Cristiano Ronaldo?

CRISTIANO Ronaldo may have found a replacement for Irina Shayk — a stunning Italian model who shares the same features as his Russian ex.
Victoria’s Secret model Shayk reportedly dumped the Real Madrid star about five months ago over claims he cheated on her.
Now 30-year-old Ronaldo is said to be seeking solace in the arms of 24-year-old Alessia Tedeschi.

Top 10 countries with the world's fastest internet speeds

With a few clicks on a keyboard and a swipe of the mouse, we have access to an unprecedented amount of information the likes of which humanity has never seen before.
But if you have a slow internet connection speed, then waiting for that page to load, that video to buffer, or that file to download can feel like an eternity.

Akamai Technologies, a cloud services provider, made a list of the fastest internet connection speeds in the world that shows where the luckiest netizens reside.
Each of these countries is ranked by the average speed of their broadband internet connection in megabits per second (Mbps). And they are all faster than the US, which ranks 17th in the world in internet connection speed, according the list. 

10 Finland

Average Mbps: 12.1. Internet speeds have increased 33% over the last year.

9 Czech Republic

Average Mbps: 12.3. Internet speeds have increased 8.4% over the last year.

8 Ireland

Average Mbps: 12.7. Internet speeds have increased 24% over the last year.

7 Latvia

Average Mbps: 13. Internet speeds have increased 25% over the last year.

Youth unemployment rate in Europe: Where is hard to find job and where is it easy {INFOGRAPHIC}

A FEW months ago investors were feeling more optimistic about the euro zone. In July the Greek government could borrow money at an interest rate of 6%, a far cry from the near-40% it was paying in 2012. Economic growth in the first quarter of 2014 was 1.2% on an annualised basis—not great, but not terrible.
 That has all changed. There are now serious worries that the euro zone will succumb to a “triple-dip” recession. Only Lithuania—which joined the euro zone on the first day of 2015—and Ireland are forecast to see strong growth next year. Fears grow that the 18-member currency club may fall into deflation. Inflation fell to just 0.4% in October, well below the European Central Bank’s target of almost 2%. Among other things deflation makes debt harder to bear.